Work continues

Adam removes door frame to hallway while Sean works on taking out the back wall of the office closet. Jack Hammers and lots of concrete dust prevail as the foundations are carved out of the concrete floor to allow for the load bearing posts that replace the old wall separating the sunken living room and what was the family room.

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Construction update

Adam is seen here removing the closet wall next to the Green Tara Chapel. We spent this weekend moving into the dorm area and relocating the office to the library so that the hallways could be widened to meet ADA requirements. Thanks to the Grogers and Travis we were able to do this. We still managed to have a class on one of the preliminary translations of a discourse given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha in Taiwan. However, we will need to ...

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Buddha Hall takes shape

The fireplace is gone and the tile floor is being ground away. We had hoped to keep the old floor and just install the new flooring over the existing tiles, but that was not possible. It has been a messy process.

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Holy Vajrayana Temple featured in China and Fresno

A new disciple, Travis Holstrom, recently did the brief video shown here based on an interview he did while attending a retreat at the Holy Vajrayana Temple. It was for a journalism class he was taking at Fresno State. It is now on U-Tube.

We also just learned that our temple is listed on a tourism website in China as the 19th “Must See” place to visit in the U.S., ahead of the Metropolitan Museum in New York. We just had a ...

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Construction Starts on Temple

Our contractors started the remodeling of the temple today, a most auspicious beginning for the Chinese New Year! We have opened up the two rooms that will become our Buddha Hall and started adding the fire walls that will separate the residential (dorms, community room, and kitchen) part of the building from the temple proper. The county building inspector checked out the earlier conversion work done on the building and instructed our architect to find what we need to do ...

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Meditation Retreat Planned for New York

The Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center is planning an East Coast Retreat at the Grail Retreat Center, Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York on the weekend of April 10-12, 2015. The retreat center is located across from Storm King Mountain, shown above.

The three-day meditation retreat will be led by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche, abbot of the Holy Vajrasana Temple and Retreat Center. The program is non-denominational. Buddhist and other practitioners with different levels of meditation experiences are ...

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