Sheltered-in-place means we will miss our annual pilgrimage to Sonora to see the arrival of peachicks. Lucky, an abandoned runt, has been frequenting our Saturday morning Open Mike sessions of the Lemonade Sangha. Since we are quarantined in Sanger, we can only share photos that Uma and Reba have sent us, but let’s hope next year will be better. It looks like there was a bumper crop. Reba counted how many hens and chicks were settling in, but I lost count. It sounded like 20-30. They will not all make it to adulthood, but it looks like there will be a lot of peacocks in Sonora.

Previous visits to the PeaPeople Clan can be viewed at 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018-January. 2018-June, and 2019.