More Visitors to Temple

A group of pilgrims arrived at the temple spending the day in meditation, listening to a recorded dharma discourse by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and paying homage to the Holy Vajra Poles. As they were about to leave, two of the Poles began to shake quite violently. Several pictures taken near the poles included the long rainbow shown above. A long rainbow like this appears on many photos taken around the temple. Several of this group returned to attend ...

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The Peachicks have grown up

Another visit to Reba and Uma’s home in Sonora finds the two remaining peachicks almost grown and doing very well. Uma served as surrogate mother to two of the abandoned peachicks and they seem to regard her as their real mother, following her everywhere and waiting outside the screen door to come indoors. Since they are not housebroken, they are not welcomed, but manage to sneak in sometimes anyhow. Lady Bird has started strutting a full display of her feathers, even though ...

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