Truth Revealed: Zhou Yongkang and Chen Shaoji Jointly Framed H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha


(Article originally published in the Taiwan Times: Painting above by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, “Landscape of Icy Blue”–a painting of Chengdu, China.

People who have read articles discussing His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III might assume he is a villain given the rumors that tend to spread on the Internet. Since the public security department of China’s Guangdong Province issued an arrest warrant for the case of “Yi Yungao’s Fraud” long ago, there has been much speculation as to what ...

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“Discovering the Root of Buddhism, Propagating True Buddha Dharma” Video

The photo of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was taken while He was expounding a discourse on ”The Intrinsically Existing Truth of No Arising and No Ceasing in the Universe and in Human Lives Realized by the Buddha Was Not Created by the Buddha” at the Holy Miracles Temple in Pasadena, California on October 2019. CLICK for link to article on the Dharma Discourse being expounded in the video. ...

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