We stopped doing a lot during COVID and our temple news and newsletter were part of it. However, the Abbot of the temple, Zhaxi Zhuoma had already started her own blog, “Thus Have I Seen (and Heard).” This blog has morphed to serve as the news channel for the temple as well. Those on the mailing list to receive the temple newsletter starting receiving the blog instead. CLICK any article on the blog and you will find a place to sign up to receive advance notice of new articles as they appear on the blog. This website news feature will rarely be used.
This website will remain the source of information on longer articles, our practice activity and schedule, as well as the actual Buddha-Dharma itself. The website has just been updated to reflect out post-COVID reality and increased emphasis on on-line teaching and activity. You may note that we are not posting any future plans. At this time we are not sure where we will go, but we do want to finish the development of the Sanger temple site. We created the international on-line “Lemonade Sangha” to cope with the COVID staying in place requirements and the need to close the temple. It continues as the main focus of our activities and the need to fulfill a request by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to create a Learning from Buddha College and Seminary (LFBCS) to make the Dharma accessible to English speakers.
This LFBCS on-line program offers what we have in preliminary translations of Dharma discourses and other teachings to a wider audience of English speakers. CLICK to enroll in either the free recordings of discourses as an Auditing Student or in one of the two membership programs as Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary students. The membership programs follow the Seven Dharma System of learning with homework, repeated listening and reading of the Dharma, and debates and quizzes or other techniques to help with retention and understanding of the material.
Other new features include a February 6, 2022 Announcement from the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III on the departure from this world of His Holiness and His wife, Fomu, the Holy Mother and Great Mahasattva. Other changes include an April 15, 2022 article by Venerable Tsemang; a revised temple chant book with links to join the 6:00 am international chanting every morning; and an article on how to take the World Buddhism Association Headquarters (WBAH)’s exam, in the Buddhist Practice section of the website. There are also a number of videos and other articles added.