The Shakyamuni Buddha statue holding a leather bound copy of ‘Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra’ at the Holy Vajrasana Temple
If you have attended retreats or dharma assemblies at the Holy Vajrassana Temple, you have probably used our chant book and you may have noticed that it is evolving. We started with pretty much what our other temples did only we tried to make it bilingual, doing many chants in both English and Chinese and sometimes in Spanish and/or Tibetan. The Buddha Master told us we should understand the meaning of what we chant, so overtime we have replaced older more traditional Chinese chants with ones that reflect the foundational teachings of the Buddha so we could reflect on our cultivation each day as well as pay our respect to various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and express our gratitude for their blessings and teachings. Disciples have requested copies for their own use or to take back to their dharma centers and temples. We encourage that. If you would like a PDF file of the most current edition that will also contain annotation for bells, drums, and gongs, please let us know and we will send you the file for you to download.
Please go to the Abbot’s BLOG for revised schedule and chants.