The Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center is planning an East Coast Retreat at the Grail Retreat Center, Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York on the weekend of April 10-12, 2015. The retreat center is located across from Storm King Mountain, shown above.
The three-day meditation retreat will be led by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche, abbot of the Holy Vajrasana Temple and Retreat Center. The program is non-denominational. Buddhist and other practitioners with different levels of meditation experiences are welcome to participate.
The format of the retreat is based on how retreats are conducted at the Holy Vajrasana Temple and Retreat Center. Most meditation classes consist of a period of sitting meditation followed by a period of walking meditation and ending with another session of sitting meditation. Meditators who want to sit for a longer period of time may do so and forego the walking meditation. There may be 3 to 5 such classes a day during formal retreats. During retreats, those students practicing unique tantric forms requiring secret mudras and mantras may go to one of the private meditation areas. This system enables students with very different levels of experience and types of practice to practice together.The purpose of being on retreat, is to be able to focus on your meditation and cultivation in an environment that is conducive to just that and to take that experience home to deepen your everyday practice and cultivation. You may register using the application form under “SCHEDULE”.