Visitors to The Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center

Rinpoche from Shanghai with other visitors.

Rinpoche from Shanghai with other visitors.

Visitors from China.

Visitors from China.

Sanger, CA: Many people from all over China, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Europe, Canada, and the US visited the Xuanfa Institute this year to see and receive the blessings of the Vajra Poles. Some returned with other family members to experience the Vajra Poles again. Often the Vajra Poles quaked and trembled for the visitors. Sometimes there were visitors from other realms that appeared as well as we see above with this visitor from Shanghai. Beautiful colored lights were captured on the visitors’ cameras.  Everyone who came knew that this was a very special and holy place–the first bodhimanda in the West, a Vajra Throne where many will come to become enlightened.

Visitors from a local Thai temple brought a "Money Tree" to bring prosperity to the temple.

Visitors from a local Thai temple brought a “Money Tree” to bring prosperity to the temple. A few orbs showed up as well.