This photo shows two rinpoches lifting a large stone to cover a mandala as part of a dharma assembly to test the level of realization of several disciples. The event is one of many described in the book Revealing the Truth by Shi Zheng Hui that also describes the bestowing of holy nectar in America by certain Buddhas. After her graduation from law school, author Zheng Hui made a complete turn around and entered monastic life in a Buddhist Temple inTaiwan. In the year 2001, she was given a rare opportunity to live and study in America at the temple and home base of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The narrations in this book are all true stories that she saw, heard, experienced, and actually participated in during the twelve years spanning 2001 to 2013. Living at the home base she was able to observe from a close distance, the Buddha and the True Buddha-dharma. At the same time, she encountered many people with the titles of venerable one, dharma king, rinpoche, and dharma master. To Zheng Hui, many of these people seemed unworthy of their titles. Reflecting deeply on her own doubts and falseness she was eventually able to discover her hidden obstructions. In 2013, she received an initiation of state practice and was transmitted the dharma of “Xianliang Great Perfection”.
Click to learn more about the Xianliang Great Perfection Dharma from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation that can enable one to achieve the Rainbow Body State within two hours and read articles by two other accomplished disciples who also received this dharma. Reading this book is a great way to revitalize your own practice and know what is possible by following the true Buddha-dharma as transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
Contact Great River Books, 161 M Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84103; www.greatriverbooks.com; PHONE 801-532-4833; E-MAIL info@greatriverbooks.com or Amazon or your local bookstore to order copies of this fascinating look at the life of a sincere and accomplished disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.