While working on the remodeling of the Holy Vajrasana Temple, Sean and Adam of Pacific Construction reported that they and Reuben, the electrician, had experienced the Vajra Poles shaking and could not believe what they saw. First one pole would shake, then stop while another started to vibrate until all five had exhibited their powers. When they told their supervisor, Charlie, he refused to believe them as did others they told. Understandably, it is hard to imagine that such a portal to other realms exists in this world. They were most fortunate to witness this, as many travel to this site from all over the world and may not see anything or only a slight tremble as captured in the above video taken at sunrise by visitors from Shanghai. Another group is shown above viewing the poles. The construction crew said a slight wind did come up, but in no way could that breeze cause the poles to behave like they did. Sometimes there is a certain type of wind that seems to accompany the poles, but at other times the poles do not move at all even in strong gales. The poles are known to shake quite violently, but sometimes they only tremble or pulsate as if sending a coded message and sometimes they just stand there and do nothing. Visitors have also reported seeing light and rays of energy surround the poles. Those who come and meditate with the poles report being able to quickly enter a deep and profound state of concentration. These poles are amazing and seem to respond so differently to the different people who come to see them.
Visitors to the temple site have experienced many mysterious phenomena. For example, the temple attic is also home to an assortment of “orbs” that appear in many photos. The streaks are caused as several of the orbs moved while the photo was being taken. These orbs have appeared in many other locations on the property and while the abbot, Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche, has presented the dharma.