Classes were held in San Diego on July 13 & 14 on the “Most Excellent Enlightenment Emptiness-Practice Oceanic Mind-Essence” from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL). This is the third mind essence from this dharma. the second mind essence, “The Xiaman Most Excellent Oceanic Mind-Essence” was heard and discussed last month. Out-of-town participants also toured downtown San Diego and enjoyed the sunset at the aircraft carrier-museum-park shown above and the boats in the harbor shown below.
We contemplated this thing called consciousness and how to use the “Shifting the Mind Practice” from the SAUMOL as well as how to practice the “Dharma to Exchange Bodhi and Dark Karma Between Oneself and Others”. This included pondering deeply the seven joint preliminary practices.
In this Oceanic Mind-Essence, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III expounded on the shortcut to enlightenment and shared his own mindset and practice by stating:
“I bear all of the negative karma and karmic offenses committed by living beings; I give to you all of the good karma and merit that I plant.”
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Several participants took refuge and expressed a desire to continue these classes so that they could listen to more dharma teachings and develop their own practice. There has been a tentative date set for the next meeting and class in San DIego to be on Saturday, September 14. Please check the temple SCHEDULE for details as they become available.