Shakyamuni Buddha, Manjurshri Bodhisattva, and Kuan Yin Bodhisattva look down on morning chanting during the Rohatsu Retreat held at the Holy Vajrasana Temple from December 30, 2016 through January 6, 2017. Suonan Ciren Zeng De translated a number of dharma discourses given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as part of a Xuanfa Seminary sponsored “Learning from Buddha” seminar during the first part of the retreat that ended with a debate among all present on January second. During the remainder of the retreat, Zhaxi Zhuoma Xuan De read preliminary translations of recordings of disciples reporting on their Dharma Practice to the Buddha Master taken in China during the late 1990s. The Chinese traditional Laba porridge was served on the morning of the eighth day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar (rohatsu in Japanese) to celebrate the date of Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment.