April 14, 2015—Dover, Delaware: Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche met with members of the Xuanfa Centers of Delaware and Philadelphia to discuss a recent Dharma Assembly held with H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and share an early translation of a critical part of a book that was discussed at that assembly titled, Stories Behind Ancient Buddha’s Coming to this World. She also explained that anyone wanting to receive inner tantric initiation will need to read and understand this important book and the various public announcements published in English at www.xuanfa.net and in Chinese at www.hhdcb3office.org.
Later that evening at the weekly Dharmadhatu Center of Dover Meetup, the Rinpoche read a preliminary translation of a discourse given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III on the source of both internal and external demons and how we can recognize them. It is easy for any of us to become demons whenever we become attached to an erroneous sense of self or ego. She also gave an overview of the different traditions of Buddhism and how they have come to us and what is unique about the esoteric tradition that she follows. She also responded to questions about how she had come to this form of Buddhism and shared a brief and beautiful discourse her Buddha Master had given her on what to do when someone has a miscarriage. The answer is “Nothing!” A child that dies naturally within its mother’s womb goes directly to the Buddha-lands and will welcome and guide its mother when she arrives there. We do not need to do anything, but let the parents know of their unborn child’s good fortune and to cultivate themselves and practice dharma so as to not be reborn again in samsara as well.