In January 2016, three CDs of dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III were released that clearly explained what one needs to do to become accomplished as a holy person and leave the cycle of birth and death. Those discourses were published later in the year as Learning from Buddha. The first discourse explains that no matter what dharma one learns and how well one practices that dharma, one can still not become accomplished without cultivation, while the second discourse explains that cultivating oneself but not learning a complete dharma will also not result in one becoming accomplished or enlightened in this lifetime. The third and equally important discourse warns us that after listening to discourses on cultivation and receiving dharma one will certainly fall into the lower realms if one does not put what one learns into practice immediately. We are asked to take time each day to ponder our actual practice. The daily chanting services at the temple are designed to help us reflect on how well we do this. The discourses and the book also outline what a “complete” dharma practice is and how one does it.

We have sponsored several classes, seminars and workshops on these discourses including one held at the temple over Labor Day weekend, a number of classes with Northern California Spanish Sangha in Stockton, California, and other classes in North Carolina, San Diego, Vietnam, and elsewhere.

The book Learning from Buddha also contains two photos showing the transformation of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III from an elderly person to a youth and the speech by His Holiness the Buddha on the two photos.

The book is available in Chinese from the Dharma Voice Publishing, LLC, 656 East San Bernardino Road, Covina, CA  91723, U.S.A; PHONE (626) 260-1897 or FAX (626) 457-9156; E-mail: The book has been translated into English by the True Dharma Translation Group. and is available HERE and on the World Buddhism Association Headquarter’s website.


CLICK for information on courses on this text at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary.