In March 2014 an extremely holy book by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Imparting the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra, was published and distributed at a Grand Dharma Assembly held in Hong Kong. Prior to that on March 14, a dharma assembly was held at the Holy Miracles Temple in the United States of America to empower the ink paste and stamping seals used to bestow blessings on this first-publishing memorial edition of the book. At that time, the Buddhas manifested a three-color nectar in a dharma bowl before those assembled at the temple. After chanting mantras the nectar spontaneously appeared to the delight of all present. The entire ceremony was recorded and can be seen at various temples and dharma centers. Click for more information on nectar.

Watch the following video to see the rinpoches request the dharma bowl and the nectar ceremony that happened thereafter. Other events are also included on this video including coverage of the Grand Assembly in Hong Kong where the Book was introduced and distributed. Chinese language only. CLICK for another article and English video of Hong Kong Grand Assembly.