1-Purifying the Water Praise—灑凈 (Sa jing)
(Rinpoche recites and sprinkles dharma water on the animals)
2-Homage to the Bodhisattvas
(All chant)
Homage to the Mahasattva Who Eradicates Defilements and Hindrances (Sarvanivāraṇa-viṣkambhin). [Recite 3X-ring bell at beginning of last chant]
南無除蓋障摩訶薩 | Na Mo Chu Gai Zhang Mo He Sa |
Homage to the Bodhisattva Who Observes the Sounds of the World. [Recite 3X-ring bell at beginning of last chant]
南無大悲觀世音菩 薩 | Na Mo Da Bei Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa |
Great Compassion Bodhisattva Mantra— 大悲咒 [ Dà Bēi Zhòu]
[南無]喝囉怛娜多囉夜耶{ | [nā mo] hē là dá nà duō là yè |
南無阿唎耶 | nā mo a lī yé |
婆盧羯帝爍缽囉耶 | pó lú jié dì shuò bō là yé |
菩提薩埵婆耶 | pú tí sà duǒ pó yé |
摩訶薩埵婆耶 | mó hā sà duǒ pó yé |
摩訶迦盧尼迦耶 | mó hā jiā lú ní jiā yé |
唵,薩皤囉罰曳 | OM, sà bó là fá yì |
數怛那怛寫 | shù da nă dá xiĕ |
南無悉吉栗埵伊蒙阿唎耶 | nā mo xī jí lí duǒ yī mēng a lī yé |
婆盧羯帝室佛囉楞馱婆 | pó lú jié dì shì fó là léng tuó pó |
南無那囉謹墀 | nāmo nă là jĭn chí |
醯唎摩訶皤多沙咩 | xī lī mó hā bó duō shā miē |
薩婆阿他豆輸朋阿逝孕 | sà pó a tā dòu shū péng a shì yùn |
薩婆薩多那摩婆薩多那摩婆伽摩罰特豆 | sà pó sà duō nă mó pó sà duō nă mó pó qie mó fá tè dòu |
怛姪他唵阿婆盧醯盧迦帝迦羅帝夷醯唎摩訶菩提薩埵 | dá zhí tā OM a pó lú xī lú jiā dì jiā luó dì yí xī lī mó hā pú tí sà duǒ |
薩婆薩婆摩囉摩囉 | sà pó sà pó mó là mó là |
摩醯摩醯唎馱孕俱盧俱盧楬懞 | mó xī mó xī lī tuó yùn jù lú jù lú jié méng |
度盧度盧罰闍耶帝 | dù lú dù lú fá shé yé dì |
摩訶罰闍耶帝 | mó he fá shé yé dì |
陀囉陀囉地唎尼室佛囉耶 | tuó là tuó là dì lī ní shì fó là yē |
遮囉遮囉摩摩罰摩囉穆帝麗 | zhē là zhē là mó mó fá mó là mù dì lì |
伊醯伊醯室那室那阿囉參佛囉舍利 | yī xī yī xī shì nă shì nă a là shēn fó là shě lì |
罰沙罰參佛囉舍耶 | fá shā fá shēn fó là shě yé |
呼盧呼盧摩囉呼盧呼盧醯唎娑囉娑囉悉唎悉唎蘇嚧蘇嚧菩提夜菩提夜 | hū lú hū lú mó là hū lú hū lú xī lī suō là suō là xī lī xī lī sū lú sū lú pú tí yè pú tí yè |
菩馱夜菩馱夜 | pú tuó yè pú tuó yè |
彌帝唎夜那囉謹墀 | mí dì lī yè nă là jĭn chí |
地唎瑟尼那波夜摩那娑婆訶 | dì lī sè ní nà bō yè mó nà suō pó he |
悉陀夜 娑婆訶 | xī tuó yè suō pó he |
摩訶悉陀夜娑婆訶 | mó hā xī tuó yè suō pó he |
悉陀喻藝室皤囉夜娑婆訶 | xī tuó yù yi shì bó là yè suō pó he |
那囉謹墀娑婆訶 | nă là jĭn chí suō pó he |
摩囉那囉娑婆訶 | mó là nă là suō pó he |
悉囉僧阿穆佉耶娑婆訶 | xī là sēng a mù qū yé suō pó he |
娑婆摩訶阿悉陀耶娑婆訶 | suō pó mó hā a xī tuó yé suō pó he |
者吉囉阿悉陀夜娑婆訶 | zhě jí là a xī tuó yè suō pó he |
波陀摩羯悉陀夜娑婆訶 | bō tuó mó jié xī tuó yè suō pó he |
那囉謹墀皤伽囉耶娑婆訶 | nă là jĭn chí bó qié là yé suō pó he |
摩婆利勝羯囉夜娑婆訶 | mó pó lì shèng jié là yè suō pó he |
南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶南無阿唎耶婆盧吉帝爍皤囉夜娑婆訶 | nā mo hē là dá nà duō là yè yé nā mo ě lì yé pó lú jí dì shuō bó là yè suō pó he |
唵悉殿都漫哆羅跋陀耶娑婆訶 | ăn xī diàn dū màn duō là bá tuó yé suō pó he° |
Homage to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Prajna Assembly
南無般若會上佛菩薩 | Na Mo Bo Re Hui Shang Fo Pu Sa |
[Recite 3X-ring bell at beginning of last chant]
3- Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
波若波羅密多心經 (Bo Re Bo Luo Mi Duo Xin Jing)
(Recite once in English and once in Chinese)
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva when practicing deeply the Prajna Paramita perceives that all five skandhas are empty and is saved from all suffering and distress. |
Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness, emptiness does not differ from form. |
That which is form is emptiness, that which is emptiness form. |
The same is true of feelings, perceptions, formations, consciousness. |
Shariputra! All dharmas are marked with emptiness. They do not appear or disappear, are not tainted or pure, do not increase or decrease. |
Therefore, in emptiness no form, no feelings, perceptions, formations, consciousness. |
No eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind. |
No form, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no object of mind. |
No realm of eyes and so forth until no realm of mind consciousness. |
No ignorance and also no extinction of it, and so forth until no old age and death and also no extinction of them. |
No suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path. |
No cognition, also no attainment. |
With nothing to attain, therefore, the Bodhisattvas depend on Prajna Paramita, |
And the mind is no hindrance. |
Without any hindrance no fears exist.
Far apart from every perverted view they attain complete nirvana.
In the three periods all Buddhas depend on Prajna Paramita and attain Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. |
Therefore, know that Prajna Paramita is the great transcendent mantra, is the great bright mantra, is the utmost mantra, is the supreme mantra, which is able to relieve all suffering and is true, not false. |
So proclaim the Prajna Paramita mantra, proclaim the mantra that says: |
觀自在菩薩。 | GUAN ZI ZAI PU SA. |
度一切苦厄。 | DU YI QIE KU ER. |
舍利子。 | SHE LI ZI. |
色不異空。 | SE BU YI KONG. |
空不異色。 | KONG BU YI SE. |
色即是空。 | SE JI SHI KONG. |
空即是色。 | KONG JE SHI SE. |
亦復如是。 | YI FU RU SHI. |
舍利子。 | SHE LI ZI. |
不生不滅。 | BU SHENG BU MIE. |
不垢不淨。 | BU GOU BU JING. |
不增不減。 | BU ZENG BU JIAN. |
是故空中無色。 | SHI GU KONG ZHONG WU SE. |
無眼耳鼻舌身意。 | WU YAN ER BI SHE SHEN YI. |
無眼界。 | WU YAN JIE. |
乃至無意識界。 | NAI ZHI WU YI SHI JIE. |
無無明。 | WU WU MING |
亦無無明盡。 | YI WU WU MING JIN. |
乃至無老死。 | NAI ZHI WU LAO SI. |
亦無老死盡。 | YI WU LAO SI JIN. |
無苦集滅道。 | WU KU JI MIE DAO. |
無智亦無得。 | WU ZHI YI WU DE. |
以無所得故。 | YI WU SUO DE GU. |
菩提薩陲。 | PU TI SA DUO. |
依般若波羅密多故。 | YI BO RE BO LUO MI DUO GU. |
心無罣礙。 | XI WU GUA AI. |
無罣礙故。 | WU GUA AI GU. |
無有恐怖。 | WU YOU KONG BU. |
究竟涅槃。 | JIU JING NIE PAN. |
三世諸佛。 | SAN SHI ZHU FO. |
依般若波羅密多故。 | YI BO RE BO LUO MI DUO GU. |
得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 | DE AH NU DUO LUO SAN MIAO SAN PU TI. |
故知般若波羅密多。 | GU ZHI BO RE BO LUO MI DUO. |
是大神咒。 | SHI DA SHEN ZHOU. |
是大明咒。 | SHI DA MING ZHOU. |
是無上咒。 | SHI WU SHANG ZHOU. |
能除一切苦。 | NENG CHU YI QIE KU. |
真實不虛。 | ZHEN SHI BU XU. |
故說般若波羅密多咒。 | GU SHUO BO RE BO LUO MI DUO ZHOU. |
即說咒曰。 | JI SHUO ZHOU YUE. |
揭諦。揭諦。波羅揭諦。 | JIE DI. JIE DI. BO LUO JIE DI. |
波羅僧揭諦。菩提薩婆訶。 | BO LUO SENG JIE DI. PU TI SA PO HE. |
4-Homage to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
[Recite 21X-ring bell at beginning of last chant]
[NaMo] Di San Shi Duo Jie Qiang Fo |
5-Six Syllable Great Bright Mantra
[Recite 108X-ring bell at beginning of last chant]
唵嘛呢叭眯吽 | Om Ma Ni Ba Mi Hong |
6-Repentance and Reform
All of the bad karma that I produced in the past resulted from greed, hatred, and ignorance, which have no beginning.
往昔所造諸惡業, 皆由無始貪瞋痴。Wang xi suo zao zhu e ye, Jie you wu shi tan chen chi。
I repent of all my offenses, which arose from physical actions, speech, and thoughts.
從身語意之所生, 一切我今皆懺悔。Cong shen yu yi zhi suo sheng, yi qie wo jin jie chan hui。
I repent of all my offenses, which arose from physical actions, speech, and thoughts.
從身語意之所生, 一切我今皆懺悔。Cong shen yu yi zhi suo sheng, yi qie wo jin jie chan hui。
I repent of all my offenses, which arose from physical actions, speech, and thoughts.
從身語意之所生, 一切我今皆懺悔。Cong shen yu yi zhi suo sheng, yi qie wo jin jie chan hui。
Offenses arise from the mind; repentance is by the mind. If the mind is extinguished, offense disappear.
罪從心將心懺; 心若滅時罪亦亡。Zui cong xin qi jiang xin chan; xin ruo mie chi zui yi wang。
The mind disappears and offenses are wiped out, both are empty. This is called true repentance and reform.
心亡罪滅兩俱空。是則名為真懺悔。Xin wang zui mie liang ju kong。Shi ze ming wei zhen chan hui。
The mind disappears and offenses are wiped out, both are empty. This is called true repentance and reform.
心亡罪滅兩俱空。是則名為真懺悔。Xin wang zui mie liang ju kong。Shi ze ming wei zhen chan hui。
The mind disappears and offenses are wiped out, both are empty. This is called true repentance and reform.
心亡罪滅兩俱空。是則名為真懺悔。Xin wang zui mie liang ju kong。Shi ze ming wei zhen chan hui。
7-Seven Buddhas Eradicating Sin True words
七佛滅罪真言。Qi fo mie zui zhen yan。
[Recite 3X-ring bell at beginning of last chant]
離婆離婆帝。 | Li po li po di。 |
求訶求訶帝。 | Qiu he qiu he di。 |
陀羅尼帝。 | Tuo luo ni di。 |
尼訶囉帝。 | Ni he la di。 |
毗黎你帝。 | Pi li ni di |
摩訶伽帝。 | Mo he qie di。 |
真陵乾帝。 | Zhen ling qian di。 |
莎婆訶。 | Sha po he。 |
8-Refuge Ceremony for the Animals
We take refuge with the Buddha. We take refuge with the dharma. We take refuge with the sangha.
皈依佛。 皈依法。皈依僧。Qui yi fo。 Gui yi fa。Gui yi seng。
We take refuge with the Buddha. We take refuge with the dharma. We take refuge with the sangha.
皈依佛。 皈依法。皈依僧。Qui yi fo。 Gui yi fa。Gui yi seng。
We take refuge with the Buddha. We take refuge with the dharma. We take refuge with the sangha.
皈依佛。 皈依法。皈依僧。Qui yi fo。 Gui yi fa。Gui yi seng。
We take refuge with the Buddha, the venerable one who is doubly perfected. We take refuge with the revered dharma which allows one to leave desire. We take refuge with the sangha, the venerable ones among the multitudes.
皈依佛兩足尊 。皈依法離欲尊 。皈依僧眾中尊 。Qui yi fo liang zu zun。 Gui yi fa li yu zun。Gui yi seng zhong zhong zun。
We take refuge with the Buddha, so that we shall not fall into the hells. We take refuge with the dharma, so that we shall not fall among the hungry ghosts. We take refuge with the sangha, so that we shall not fall again among the animals.
皈依佛不墮地獄。皈依法不墮惡鬼。皈依僧不墮傍生。Qui yi fo bu duo di yu。 Gui yi fa bu duo e gui 。Gui yi seng bu duo pang sheng。
We have completed taking refuge with the Buddha, we have completed taking refuge with the dharma, and we have completed taking refuge with the sangha.
皈依佛竟。 皈依法竟。皈依僧竟。Qui yi fo jing。 Gui yi fa jing。Gui yi seng jing。
We have completed taking refuge with the Buddha, we have completed taking refuge with the dharma, and we have completed taking refuge with the sangha.
皈依佛竟。 皈依法竟。皈依僧竟。Qui yi fo jing。 Gui yi fa jing。Gui yi seng jing。
We have completed taking refuge with the Buddha, we have completed taking refuge with the dharma, and we have completed taking refuge with the sangha.
皈依佛竟。 皈依法竟。皈依僧竟。Qui yi fo jing。 Gui yi fa jing。Gui yi seng jing。
9-Transference of Merit—回向 Hui xiang
Now I dedicate the merit and virtue from freeing living beings, with all its superior boundless blessings to the Most Honored One, who’s life span is limitless.
And I pray and wish that the Most Honored One, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III,
Always turns the supreme and wondrous dharma wheel, universally benefiting all sentient beings in the dharma realms,
And that He also bless us with His great compassion and wisdom.
放生功德今回向, 無邊勝福壽無疆。Fang sheng gong de jin hui xiang, wu bian sheng fu shou wu jiang。
祈願顯密總持尊, 第三世多杰羌佛, Qi yuan xian mi zong chi zun, Di San Shi Duo Jie Qiang Fo,
常轉無上妙法輪, 普利法界一切眾。Chang zhuan wu shang miao fa lun, pu li fa jie yi qie zhong。
大悲攝受於我等。Da bei she shou yu wo deng。
10-Wish Fulfilling Mantra
Those who have been transmitted the Wish-Fulfilling Mantra, Please respectfully recite the Wish-Fulfilling Mantra 7 times.