Am I Controlling You? What Am I Doing All This For?

April 25, 2022: CLICK for link to The Office of H.H. Dorge Chang Buddha III website and PDF translation of a discourse that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave in response to Dharma teacher Shi Huicong who said “he couldn’t find the Dharma lineage of Dorje Chang Buddha III, so he went to China and there he found the Dharma lineage.” The discourse clarifies the whole matter of lineages as well as the evils of fatalism. It also explains causality, what is meant by “learning from Buddha,” cultivation, habituation, merit, and other related topics.

Imparts Dharma In Response to a Westerner’s Question

April 28, 2022: CLICK for link to The Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III website and PDF translation of a discourse that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave in response to a Westerner’s question about where you will go after you die. The discourse addresses the bardo, causality, the six realms, evil, the purpose of “learning from Buddha,” and other related topics.

Check out recordings of preliminary translations of other discourses and other important texts at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary.