Zhaxi Zhuoma, the abbot of the Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center, was a close disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. She has been authorized to perform certain esoteric initiations and ceremonies to help students on their path including offering Solitary Retreats. This can only happen when one has let go of attachment to self and developed one’s bodhichitta to always put others ahead of self. She has received many powerful initiations and empowerments from her Buddha Master to eliminate her negative karma, but she says that the most important is being blessed to see how the Buddha Master responds to life’s situations and selflessly helps other living beings. The dharma that comes from just being in the presence of a Buddha and witnessing how a Buddha  thinks, speaks, and acts is the most powerful and wondrous of all. It is out of her gratitude for the many blessing that she has received that she has committed her life to enable others to learn and experience the true Buddha-dharma of the Tathatagatas. She will make certain that the appropriate tantric initiations and ceremonies will be performed and dharmas transmitted at the temple to those who have the karmic affinity to receive them.

The abbot also reads and leads discussions on preliminary English translations of discourses given by His Holiness at the temple and other locations according to the schedule of classes. Many discourses are available for listening, mostly in Chinese, but there are also many preliminary translations of discourses that are not available for public access that the abbot can read. Bilingual videos are available of holy events as well. These discourses and videos are rare treasures that contain the correct Buddha-dharma that can result in liberation in one lifetime. The temple also has an extensive library where individuals may come and study various holy texts. The primary dharma taught to beginners and advanced students alike is found in the discourse “What is Cultivation?” given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in response to a question raised by Zhaxi Zhuoma and in two official public announcements from the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: Bulletin # 8—”128 Evil & Erroneous Views” and Bulletin #40—”Zen Dharma”.

Zhaxi Zhuoma is shown on the Home page with others praying for the victims of Hurricane Katrina at the Sanger Mission in Monterey Park, California in 2005.

Zhaxi Zhuoma has published a book of her experiences and awakening based on being a close disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III for over twenty years. Thus Have I Seen: The Marvelous True Buddha Dharma and its Power to Transform is available from Great River Books or your favorite bookseller. 


Receiving Dharma

You can receive the dharma from many sources. You can listen to discourses given by dharma kings, rinpoches, lamas, or great dharma teachers or read their writings. You can also read the exoteric and esoteric texts as well, along with the classic commentaries by fully-realized masters. But how can you tell if these are authentic teachings?

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