The Blue text below is a complete transcript of a speech by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III regarding the publication of these photos. His Holiness the Buddha said:

“The United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters (UIWBAH) has requested permission to publish and distribute these two photos of mine and asked me to say a few words. First of all, I will not accept any money from the distribution of these photos, and UIWBAH should set a low price for those who purchase them. The name on the photos is Dorje Chang Buddha III. Whether I agree or not, this will be the way the name is written. This is my name, which was recognized and corroborated in official documents by leaders of many Buddhist sects and schools throughout the world! It is officiated by the government in legislative documents. It is not self-proclaimed by me. Although the Buddha’s title has been referred to as such in legislative context, I am just Dorje Chang Buddha III with undeserved fame. I am not a Bodhisattva, not an Arhat, not a venerable one, not a dharma king, and not a rinpoche. I am not a holy person, but a humble one. When publishing the photos, UIWBAH should not add a prefix of ‘H.H.’ to my name. I have no qualification to be addressed with ‘H.H.’

“I once made the vow of bearing the karmas of living beings. Soon after my physical strength greatly weakened. I quickly became exhausted and manifested an aged appearance. In saying that I was bearing the karmas of living beings, it is better to say that my humble body is physically weak and has many illnesses. In recent days, UIWBAH insisted on using my photo to perform a determination by selection using the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue’ Selection (Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue is a dharma in Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism for determining the result sought through selection). Regardless of what selection method you use, to reach the determination, I do not agree with it, because I am just an ordinary person. The photo of my youthful appearance was the result of having washed my face with medicine given by an elder virtuous one. In fact, in today’s field of medicine, there are even more methods of cosmetic treatment. I do not know the Buddha-dharma for reversing old age to youth. As time goes on, I will gradually become old again. This is because I am a person who is just like you, with no ability to stop the process of impermanence. However, I have one thing that is different from you!!! I have the highest level great dharma of the Tathagata that Buddhists need to attain perfect liberation and accomplishment; this is also the invariant dharma jointly possessed by all Buddhas in the ten directions:

Stay far away from feudal superstition, strange and paranormal phenomena, evil masters and swindlers, heretic practitioners using the name of Buddhism, cults, and evil books. All should strictly abide by the precepts and rules of Buddhism and establish the foundation with great compassion; do not do anything that is evil and do all things that are good; give up self-interests to benefit others; endure humiliation and humbly check one’s own conduct; and purify one’s own mind. Treat all living beings equally as one’s own family members regardless of whether they are handicapped, deficient, sick, or healthy. We should know that all phenomena are consequences of causality. Good causes attain good consequences; good consequences bear good fruit; good fruit enables one to acquire true Buddha-dharma; practicing according to the dharma can lead to perfect good fortune and wisdom; then one can step into the state of accomplishment, break away from living beings’ suffering, end the transmigration between birth and death, and accomplish the perfect enlightenment of a Buddha!!!

“These are the teachings and precepts that I practice and uphold. I say this without any ambiguity: The Buddha-dharma I expound is absolutely the true dharma of the Tathagata possessed by all Buddhas in the ten directions!!! I cannot be modest on this. Why? I must speak truthfully and according to the fact. Otherwise cultivators would be misled. If you truly cultivate according to the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, understand thoroughly Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra, listen more and more to the recordings of the dharma discourses I expounded that have not been altered or substituted by other people, and also read the dharma I expounded that has been published as books; and, additionally and very importantly, if you are truly sincere and pious toward all Buddhas; I, Dorje Chang Buddha III, guarantee that you will learn great dharma to achieve perfect good fortune and wisdom and you will attain accomplishment in your current lifetime!!!”

“If you are a master with disciples, you should at least enter deeply into some sutras and commentaries to establish a foundation, such as the Heart Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Lotus Sutra, the Surangama Sutra, the Agama Sutras, the Hetu-Vidya Treatise, the Madyamaka Treatise, the Abhidharma-kosa Treatise, the Prajna Treatise, the Precepts and Discipline Treatise, the Mind-Only Treatise, the Lam Rim Chen Mo (Broad Commentary on Levels of the Bodhi Path), the Bodhisattvacharyavatara Treatise (A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way Of Life), and others. Doing so will reduce the possibility of mistakenly entering wrong paths in the process of teaching.

“Now some people mentioned that they just want to learn my medicinal cosmetic regimen. Okay! As long as you have studied and understood one mind essence in either ‘Contemplating the Magnificence of Perfect Prerequisite Oceanic Mind Essence’ or ‘the Most Magnificent Bodhi Emptiness-Practice Oceanic Mind Essence’ in the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, and have applied what you learn into practice, the supreme and holiest great dharma for acquiring perfect good fortune and wisdom and attaining liberation and accomplishment will certainly be available to you!!!! At that time, why would you still need any medicinal cosmetic regimen?

“Finally, I remind you all to be sure to notice a situation. Some people, including some who are masters, are now using my name to commit fraud in various ways. You should be careful and observe with caution. Be cautious!

“To publish and distribute my contrasting photos, be sure to keep my words stated above. Anyone who removes my speech and just distributes the photos is an evil person without a doubt!!!”


The following are the truthful statements from us at the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters:

We at the UIWBAH respectfully studied H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s speech. We are all tremendously humbled. Some people truly regard themselves to be great Bodhisattvas, so boastful as to consider themselves of heavenly nature and beyond compare to anyone on earth. In reality, they do not bear the slightest indication of accomplishment. They pose as venerable ones, dharma kings, great rinpoches, great dharma masters, or masters, but do not know self-cultivation! Today, being a true Buddha, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is not concerned at all about damaging His own honor, status and image, and belittled Himself as an ordinary person like everyone else in order to benefit living beings. Actually, facts proved that, out of thousands of years of Buddhist history, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III truly represents the apex of exoteric and esoteric Buddhism, and possesses perfect accomplishment in the Five Vidyas!!! Throughout the history of Buddhism, His Holiness the Buddha is the only one who puts benefiting and serving living beings into practice without accepting any offerings.

We should know that all matters do not deviate from the law of cause and effect. Inductions and retributions arise from causality just like a shadow following its subject. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s accomplishments are fruits manifested from the cause of being a Buddha! For this very reason, it is basically impossible to find anyone to whom you can draw a comparison. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said not to use ”H.H.” We did not originally use this prefix in the title. However, after His identity as a Buddha was definitively confirmed by the Dharma of ”Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue,“ we must use “H.H.” as the prefix.

These photos were taken publicly on the spot. The old-aged picture was taken on October 18, 2012. The photo of reversing old-age to return to youth was taken on the next day, Oct. 19. As a result of bearing bad karmas for living beings, His Holiness the Buddha’s appearance turned into one of exhaustion within three months. When many people saw this, they lost heart and considered withdrawing from their cultivation. With no other option, His Holiness the Buddha had to quickly rejuvenate, cast away signs of exhaustion and restore physical strength for the public to witness. His Holiness the Buddha transformed into a youthful appearance that is even more majestic and graceful than when He was in His youth. As of now, there is no such medicine in this world that could reverse age and restore youth while at the same time altering facial features, regenerating eyebrows, and restoring physical strength. Just looking at these two contrasting photos taken within two consecutive days, could these possibly be from an ordinary person? What do you think?

To prove the point, Wang Zha Shang Zun, who is a great holy virtuous one having attained the Golden Button third level, did a demonstration on an elderly person who is over 60. This person was collectively selected by those who were present at the demonstration. As a result of the dharma empowerment, within about 10 minutes while all were watching, one side of this elderly person’s face turned into a youthful appearance of someone in their 30s. Those in attendance were able to witness the fact of restoring youth by Buddha-Dharma. The distinct contrast between two sides of the face can clearly be seen. Wang Zha Shang Zun said, “This little bit of cultivated ability that I have is naive and laughable in front of His Holiness the Buddha. The Buddha Master is the universe. I am just a small grain of stone. No matter how many of us venerable ones and dharma kings were put together, we would not be qualified to carry the Buddha Master’s shoes.”

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III does not acknowledge that He is a Buddha, but we must present true facts to living beings. Hence, two sessions were held to perform the Tathagata’s great dharma “Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue” that can verify the status of the holiest of all holy ones. Wang Zha Shang Zun was in charge of practicing the dharma. Mo Zhi Jiao Zun, Dharma King Gar Tongstan, Kai Chu Ru Zun and several dozens of eminent monks, great virtuous ones, and laypersons were present to bear witness. In front of the watching crowd, an image was put on a flat table. A pinch of sand from the Ganges River was then placed at a spot on top of the hair of the image. As Wang Zha Shang Zun was practicing the dharma, the sand had a miraculous transformation that greatly astounded everyone there. The sand stacked up grain by grain into strands of hair. The strands of hair quickly wove by themselves into a crown of hair like those worn by Sambhogakaya Buddhas over the head of the Buddha in the image. This manifestation happened both at the times when the picture was that of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and when the picture was that of Sakyamuni Buddha. On the other hand, when the same dharma was practiced for Hui Neng, the sixth patriarch of the Ch’an (Zen) School, only a bodhisattva’s dharma crown was manifested. Please see the written oaths signed by the witnesses present. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said that He is an ordinary person. This has been proven to be untrue. Even without stating H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s perfect mastery of exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and perfect accomplishments of the Five Vidyas, the photos showing reversing old age and restoring youth are right in front of our eyes! This is ironclad evidence! It is irrefutable!

The ironclad evidence from the determination by selection made using the Dharma of “Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue” alone has provided the definitive conclusion that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the genuine presence of the primordial ancient Buddha, Dorje Chang Buddha, in this world. Additionally, performing the same dharma also provided the confirmation that Sakyamuni Buddha is a true Buddha. The evidence is undeniable!!! Witnesses who attended the “Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue” Dharma Assembly took serious oaths against severe consequences and signed their testimonies as evidence.

As long as you act in accord with the dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, His Holiness the Buddha has already guaranteed that you will attain accomplishment without a doubt. This is a declaration by His Holiness the Buddha, it is not a shallow statement. As of now, among those who have already received dharma from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, greatly accomplished ones abound and are known to the public by their names, their dharmas, and their accomplishments. Can the facts be treated as non-existent? The ironclad evidence is indeed irrefutable!!!


United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters

October 21, 2015