
扎西卓瑪仁波且在香港福慧慈善基金的道場,連續兩天帶領「一天閉關」 , 並接見同學。最後一天,許多人帶他們家的動物來皈依三寶及接收加持。大家都法喜充滿。總共來了20隻狗,8隻貓,兩隻鳥及4頭龜皈依了,他們的家人帶他們一同上前接受法水及金剛菩提丸加持,助緣他們來生繼續學佛。有些動物在未皈依之前,已經與他們的家人一起聞法。這一天,他們都很聽話,有一隻貓在吃過金剛菩提丸以後,還不停流淚。




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扎西卓瑪仁波且於2015年12月12-13日在香港福慧慈善基金,連續兩日帶領「一天閉關」,並爲22名新同學主持皈依。兩天内,仁波且接見了許多同學,爲他們傳法。其中也包括一個特別爲動物皈依 的法會,12月14日星期一晚上,眾多善信帶家裡的動物來皈依,並接受加持。

這是香港同學第一次參加閉關禪修。雖然有些人覺得有困難,也有許多人希望能再次參加,或參加更長的閉關,像 泰國七天閉關,或加州聖格市金剛寶座寺及閉關中心的七天閉關。這次在香港,共有約400人參加兩天的閉關。

星期六及星期日禪修結束後,扎西卓瑪仁波且恭讀 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛於2008年開示「東行説法」法音的初步英語翻譯稿。




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Sightseeing in Thailand

One of the reasons for going to Thailand was to experience what it was like to live in a Buddhist country–something you felt from the moment you arrived at the airport.

There were the uniquely Thai temples everywhere. Some small, but many very large magical structures. From rinpoche’s room on the fourth floor at the Salathum Retreat Center north of Bangkok, seven giant temple complexes could be seen along the river. We were there during the King’s birthday and the place was unusually ...

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Fish Release at Phutthamonthon (Buddhamonthon), Thailand

The last day of the Thai retreat included a trip to the Buddhamonthon (Buddhist Mandala), a park devoted to Buddhism and a gift of the king to his subjects. It was dedicated in 1957 to commemorate the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha who was born approximately 2,500 years earlier. The entrance is graced with the beautiful 57 foot statue shown above and believed to be the tallest free standing statue of Shakyamuni Buddha in the world. It is a popular place ...

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