The temple will continue to offer group retreats featuring either silent meditation or seminars on the dharma discourses of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. However, starting in 2018, we hope to be able to offer private isolated retreats that follow the format of the three-year/three-month/three-day intensive retreats done in Tibet. Starting in Spring of 2018, the chalet and the Dharma Protector Chapel will be available for two to thirty day retreats. Because neither of these units have private bathrooms they can only be considered “quasi-Isolated” retreats, but they will give the participant an opportunity to experience isolation and to focus on their practice without concern for outside interruptions. Food and water will be left at the site twice a day. They may wear a sign to indicate that they are observing silence so no one talks to them when they visit the bathrooms. Since there can be no lights or fire whatsoever in the Dharma Protector Chapel, that unit will not be available during the heat of summer or the cold of winter.  Click for more information.

Price Schedule

Registration Form for Meditation Retreat

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ)—Long-Term and Other Private Retreats